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About us

We are on a mission to help kids build healthy habits on their terms.

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Our vision is for every child to lead a healthy life

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OUR why

Kids are always in learning mode


According to research, today, 1 in 2 Americans has at least one ongoing chronic health issue that affects their lives and requires specialized care. Modifiable conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity are preventable. This is why it’s crucial to teach our kids healthy habits early on. There are many studies suggesting that kids have their habits formed

by the age of 9. Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist, further explained in his acclaimed Social Cognitive Theory, that kids learn by observing their immediate environment – their family members, their teachers, and other kids around them.

A new layerof the social environment

Smiling kid with phone
Smiling kid with phone

A new layer of the social environment

According to 2021 research in the US, kids aged 8-12 spend about 1.5h on social media and 2.5h playing video games daily. Again, kids are always in learning mode, that's why they often mimic their favorite character's or chosen role model's behavior. We can't control what these platforms and games put out. But as a parent, we still have some control over what's accessible to our kids.

Generation Alpha

Smiling kid with skateboard
Smiling kid with skateboard

While the Gen Z bridges the last two centuries, the Alpha generation starts defining a new millennium altogether. And generation Beta is right behind them. Generation Alpha is the first generation born entirely in the 21st

century. Most attend modern classrooms and kindergartens equipped with various devices and other technology. They intuitively look for touchscreens and scrolling options.

We believe in embracing

this increasingly technological nature of childhood

Part of our role as parents is to help our children make sense of their online experiences and teach them how to uphold enduring values in the new digitalizing world.

about phone
about phone mobile



girl playing with phone
girl playing with phone

meeting the kids where they are

Kids get technology savvy at a very young age now. So we want to reach them in their preferred way of spending time. "We're no YouTubers, but we're sure great at developing mobile games."

So we got together with the top pediatricians available and spent hundreds of hours researching how we could build an interactive system to make building new habits as seamless as possible.

girl want to fly
girl want to fly

Keeping them engaged

Knowing how quickly kids pick up new traits they see in their environment, we made sure to motivate them with endless design possibilities for their game avatars.

Kids engage their imagination and see themselves in the game – learning healthy habits and getting rewarded.

Connecting the two worlds

two worlds
two worlds

The most challenging part was making sure the key elements were transferable from the game to everyday life.

Yes, to a kid, BoomeranGO! looks like a fun mobile game. But when they get to use the actual tools from the game at their dinner table – now, this is powerful.

We also wanted our game to involve the parents. They have the most influence on the kid's environment. Plus, we want to help them build stronger and better relationships.

So besides insights on the kid's game progress, parents also get a helpful kit to support their child in and outside the game.

For example, you can reward your child with a boomerang toy for their progress. Now they have the same weapon their avatar does. And you can use it to encourage active playtime outside.

girl playing with phone
girl playing with phone

Integrating into the everyday life

Technology is getting integrated into our daily lives faster than we realize.

Kids growing up today are already familiar with touch screens and see them as a natural part of their worlds. That’s why it made absolute sense to teach the kids about healthy habits on their preferred tools like a smartphone.

girl want to fly
girl want to fly

Educating the fun way

BoomeranGO! is educational, but unlike many other apps or games, it encourages kids to learn in a very natural way

It’s not something that kids are asked to do, like homework, for example. It’s part of their fun time as a game first.

Healthy habits are built by associating the game elements with reality and vice versa.